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Affiliate Program
Sign Up Below To Become An Affiliate
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To Link Your Current CCBill Affiliate Account
Hello my loves, my name is Sheisnovember, and welcome to my video porn art home. I am happy to have You here. A little bit about me, I have been in the porn and adult webcam industry for 4 years. I created my very own brand "" 6 years ago. Here I produce the hottest most unique porn that you are gonna find anywhere. My site is subscription based (charging members recurring monthly fees); As well as, live Skype show.
By being an affiliate, You will be paid 50% of the money for every new paying customer that signs up, after clicking your personal affiliate link. CCBill is the Affiliate Account Provider; As well as, my Merchant Account Provider. They have been in business for 20 years, and is listed in the Better Business Bureau. Payouts are weekly, every Tuesday for direct deposit, longer for checks. You get paid again for each month the customer remains a member. This money builds up fast.
There are 3 monthly subscription prices are and I list your payout besides each prices:
12-Months ($89.99) Your Payout= $44.99
3-Months ($49.99 ) Your Payout= $ 24.95
1-Month ($29.99 ) Your Payout= $ 14.99

Live Skype:
60-Min ($75.00) Your Payout= $ 37.50
25-Min ($50.00) Your Payout= $ 25.00
15-Min ($35.00) Your Payout= $ 17.50
5-Min   ($15.00) Your Payout= $ 7.50

* You will be given access to over 2,000 videos and short video clips from my various movies to use as your  
*Best Selling Affiliate Becomes "The Member Of The Month" (Posted On Twitter)
*Very Simple process, post your assigned affiliate link given to you when you Sign Up on your social media pages or websites. You will be credited with a sale for every person who clicks on Your link and subscribes for a monthly membership.
* You will receive an email from me after you sign up with more details and tips, always remember we are Partners in this. My success is your success, and visa versa.

Once You sign In, follow these directions to access the Banner links that will allow You to advertise and get paid:
Step 1: Click "Tools"
Step 2: Click "Get Banners"
Step 3: Copy The Code And Paste It Into Your Website  (Your Affiliate ID Is Built Into The Code And Will Allow You To Get Paid Based Off Of The Banner Or Link You Post)
To Check How Much Money You Have Made And Various Stats: Click "Reports"
Note: To Preview The Banner, click on the URL inside of the Code. If You want any special banners made or video clips for Your Website Specifically, let me know and I will build You custom Banners.
Note: For a clickable website address link, for use on web sites like twitter, facebook, or emails that don't allow code,  Copy only the part of the code inside of the  quotation marks starting with"http://..."  and paste it into Your post, Your affiliate id is connect to this as well.

If You have any questions or are unfamiliar with being an Affiliate, please email Me at any time at: and I will respond immediately.

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